Got those sit-down-can't-cry-oh-Lord-I'm-gonna-die blues.
Irresponsible mind of human kind. Makes: create, produce, fabricate. Fickle.
Call it a mediocre attempt within sickeningly short time, open for a hell of an edited sequel. It is approximately 1 AM on an adult Christmas Eve, and this is the pretentious imagery of my current perspective, the word in the most general of senses, and expected future, assuming no variable is altered. And of course, as a result of the above, my death.

Geocentrically glued with status of appendix, hierarchically handicapped as a prosaic do-not-use item. Not even an item, since an appendix lacks function in all things except its departure, a motion which does not count for any individualization of work anyway since the motion cannot be her accredited possession. In psychology, rather than anatomy, an appendix would in many aspects be a negative enforcer. If this at all were an orthodox theory of learning, understand. It is undoubtedly understood, however, that she, the appendix, is destined to either linger or be extracted by one Dr. Zimmerman or Ballantine or Riaz. Some dick with a self-reflected image of a dick is commonly the performing doctor, a handful of these dicks within the medical profession even have a vagina - "Riaz" supposedly sounds quite subversive and Spartan, something for patriarchal woman of snow and reason. Maybe.

The appendix and its body can never recognize their relationship with one another. Body - mind, if elaborated and expanded - knows of its vermiform appendix through knowledge of biology, the anatomy of Homo sapien. Wrong would it be to assume this an acknowledgment of mutuality, coexistence (a concept deemed laughable with worn spectacles of the universal lens). No more conceivable than a hypothetical relationship, even, between a grain of sand amongst gravel and Youtube. Knowledge knows, articulates and vocalizes furthermore the concept of appendicitis:
Inflamation, appendix, evolutionized simple machine with incorperation of original wedge, exit.
Riaz exposes dick and diploma, deed is done.
Body continues and appendix is now the new nutrients of a miscellaneous canine.

- "Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in

the words describing Allah!

Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in the

words describing Allah!

Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in the

words describing Allah!

Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in the

words describing Allah!

Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in the

words describing Allah!

Universal lens with equal divinity commonly embedded in the

words describing Allah!"

is cried from the poor dismembered pseudobohemian organ, as it spews its regrettable apathy of lifelong magnitude, while on its relatively brief way to the underground trashcan-recreation of fellow unwanted sinful equals. Tumors, vomit and literal shit. It only takes hours until these ingredients mummify together and transform themselves into an edible stew for the poor or plainly gullible.

Посмотри на небо и вспомни почему с любовью не спорят.
Älskar ukrainsk popmusik igen och har blivit trött på fetma.
Lite smalare var man hösten '08 om jag minns rätt, om detta är rätt bild. Har spenderat lite tid på att jämföra andra bilder från hösten '08 med mer aktuella bilder på mig. Armarna, herregud. Känner att det är dags att skärpa mig och äntligen bli smal på riktigt.